Friday, August 18, 2006

"From the Fire to the Family"

Newton's Forge current project, "From the Fire to the Family", is an educational theater experiment. It is our goal to perfect a new kind of theater play and take it on tour for America to experience. In order to reach our production goal we have to practice and to practice this kind of theater we need an audience. We will hold plays the first year to educate our troupe with the audience experience. Our shows will improve from day to day, with experience and trouble shooting we will perfect this theater environment to be most effective with audience interaction and suspension of disbelief.

This project is an innovative style of theater production that will require many hours of work and creative intelligence. Newton's Forge is currently recruiting the proper staff to engage our audience and this new improvisational style will be perfected to the point of optimal performance and story quality.

We appreciate any support or constructive feedback to help take this troupe on tour with our improv stories.

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Z History

Z in the Middle began in 1999 as a small theater group. In 2004 our first film script was complete. By 2006, shooting began on one of many short films. Last year we worked on films, conventions, comics and classes. 2011 is dedicated to creating many new comic titles, independent films and growing the company.

Production History